Sunday, May 13, 2007

thinking about my being a mom

One of my favorite Mom stories is of my daughter in second grade. Her class had just completed a course on heroes, complete with charcoal portraits and essays on their personal favorites. They mounted an art show with each of their portraits hung side by side with their framed essays. They were just learning cursive and you could see the effort they had put into their writing. Parents were invited to the school for "A Night of Heroes," complete with lemonade and cookies.

We walked through the gallery of portraits: Abraham Lincoln, "because he saved our country"; Rosa Parks, "because she took a stand"; Martin Luther King, Jr., "because he had a dream." There were more: my Grandma, the president, Jesus Christ. And then we saw my daughter's portrait: a man with a crown of really big hair-- Kramer, "because he's really funny."

And about this one, the fast-growing teen in the picture: when did that happen?

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